How to Navigate a Career with a Chronic Illness 10 Tips for Career Success Pinterest

How to Navigate a Career with a Chronic Illness: 10 Tips for Career Success

Let’s be honest, life is tough without a chronic illness. Tack on a chronic illness and you get… chaos.

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or living with a chronic illness for years, you may relate. But your dreams matter, including those that you have for your career. 

You might have well-meaning loved ones and doctors telling you that you should just let your dreams go, or that you need to change your plans for the future.

While they may have the best intentions at heart, ultimately only you can decide what is best for you, and you should never give up on your dreams.

It’s tough to struggle with a chronic illness, but sometimes your career can be the perfect distraction. It may be something you look forward to, and it may even provide fulfillment in your life.

If that sounds like you, or you think it might, then keep reading on. In this article, I’m going to provide you with 10 key tips you can use to help you navigate your career while managing a chronic illness. Use these simple tips and you’ll be well on your way to career success.

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How a Career Shift Can Provide Better WorkLife Balance for Moms 7 Key Benefits + 8 Tips for Success Pinterest

How a Career Shift Can Provide Better Work/Life Balance for Moms: 7 Key Benefits + 8 Tips for Success

It’s tough to be a career mom, and at some point in time, you may need to make a career shift to achieve a more optimal work-life balance.

Let’s be honest, being a mom is a demanding job all on its own, but a career only adds to the complexity and challenge. 

Not all careers and workplaces are family-friendly. It can be a tough realization, especially if you’re in a career you once loved, but if you find yourself feeling burned out and exhausted, then it may be time to make a career change.

Some workplaces are family-friendly. From providing flexibility to on-site childcare, paid maternity leave, and other great family benefits, some organizations know exactly what moms need and want, and they’re willing to provide you with support that can add substantial value.

I decided to make a career shift after becoming a mom myself, and while it was challenging to make the change, it was 100% the right decision for me and my family.

If you’re wondering how a career shift can benefit you, then read on because I’m going to share 4 ways a career shift can improve your work-life balance, 7 key benefits of making a career change, and 8 tips to help you on your journey to find a fulfilling new career. 

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Are You a Career-Driven Mom How to Find a Passion-Filled Career + 5 Tips for Success Pinterest (1)

Are You a Career-Driven Mom? How to Find a Passion-Filled Career + 5 Tips for Success

It’s tough to be a career-driven mom, but it can also be incredibly valuable.

As a career-driven mom, you have to balance your career with family life, but a healthy balance between the two can also make life more rewarding. The balancing act alone can also be incredibly inspiring to your children.

It might be hard to find a job in a career that you’re passionate about, but if your priorities include a career and a healthy balance with family life, then you’ll need a job that fits your lifestyle and goals.

As a mom, some of your goals might include a career with reasonable flexibility, perhaps even part-time options, good benefits, a solid salary, and growth potential, among a number of other benefits. You might also care about contributing to a cause in an industry that you find appealing.

Regardless of your priorities between your career and family, there is undoubtedly a good fit for you somewhere.

In this article, I’m going to share some key ways you can find a job that you’ll find fulfilling, plus I’ll give you 5 tips to help you on your journey to build a healthy balance between your family life and career.

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The Career Mom Why a Career is So Important in Life + 10 Surprising Ways a Career Improves Your Life Balance Pinterest

The Career Mom: Why a Career is So Important in Life + 10 Surprising Ways a Career Improves Your Life Balance

Are you a career mom, dad, parent, or even simply interested in becoming one?

Being a parent is a full-time job alone. But for many, having a career is important too. 

A career can provide financial security, personal fulfillment, and a sense of identity. It can also improve your life balance.

In this article, I’ll tell you 10 key ways a career can actually improve your life balance as a parent.

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Top 10 Stay-at-Home Mom Jobs Amazing Ideas For Remote Work. I've Done #2, 5, 6, And 8! Pinterest

Achieve The Envy Of Moms Everywhere With One Of These Top 10 Stay-at-Home Mom Jobs: Amazing Ideas For Remote Work. I’ve Done #2, 5, 6, And 8!

Do you dream of getting into remote work and finding a good “stay-at-home mom job?”

Being a mom is a full-time job in itself, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up your career. If you’re anything like me, then you may find a career that provides a balance in life you greatly appreciate.

Remote work can provide immense benefits for moms, starting with flexibility. I’ve worked remotely in some capacity since 2015 and can attest to the numerous benefits, which is why I get excited about helping others find those dream “stay-at-home mom jobs”.

In this article, I’m going to provide a brief overview of the benefits of remote work and a list of the top 10 best stay-at-home mom jobs. I’ll also provide you with a few tips on how to get started.

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How to Become a Scientist 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Career in Science

How to Become a Scientist: 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Career in Science

Have you ever wondered how you can become a scientist?

A career in science can be quite satisfying, and there are various roles that make a significant difference in the world. It’s this very reason that I got into the field initially.

With science comes new innovations, fantastic pursuits, and novel ideas. Science industries tend to be fast-paced but generally come with massive growth potential.

In this article, I’m going to tell you how I started my own career in science, what I would do again, what I would do differently if I had to start over, and 5 tips you can use to help you become a scientist.

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10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan Pinterest

10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan

Your career development plan can have a profound impact on your career, especially if you’re thinking about how you put one together.

In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to have a clear plan to help you achieve your career goals.

It might feel like a daunting process to create a plan, but it can actually be quite simple.

Your career development plan is like a roadmap that helps you map out your goals, develop the skills and experience you need to achieve those goals, and track your progress over time. 

Read on to get the 10 simple steps you can take to create a career development plan that will help you achieve your most ambitious career goals.

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V2 Create Your Amazing Resume Summary in Less than 15 Minutes to Land Your Dream Job Pinterest (1)

Create Your Amazing Resume Summary in Less than 15 Minutes to Land Your Dream Job

The resume objective has gone the way of the dinosaur, but the resume summary has not. In fact, your resume summary is more important than ever these days.

Do you know why?

Hiring managers and recruiters review countless resumes before making hiring decisions, so they’re super busy.

Therefore, they appreciate anything you do to save them a few extra minutes. That’s where your resume summary comes in.

Your resume summary contains a snapshot version of the highlights of your resume. It tells the hiring manager in 30 seconds or less whether or not you’re a good fit for the role.

Hiring managers and recruiters LOVE resumes that contain a summary. It means they don’t need to hunt for the details.

If your resume doesn’t include a summary section and you’re looking for work, then you need to get one added… pronto.

The good news is that I’m about to give you the steps to get your resume summary section created in 15 minutes or less. So let’s get started.

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V2 Your Career Can Benefit from Setting SMART Goals 6 Reasons Why + 7 Simple Ways to Get Started Pinterest (1)

Your Career Can Benefit from Setting SMART Goals: 6 Reasons Why + 7 Simple Ways to Get Started

Creating SMART Goals for Your Career

You’ve probably set goals in your job, potentially even SMART goals, but have you ever considered setting SMART goals for your career?

Now before you roll your eyes and move on to more entertaining topics on social media, hear me out. 

Undoubtedly it’s a giant pain in the you-know-what to set goals for your job. You might even dread it every year (I did). Despite how you may feel about setting goals, your career can seriously benefit if you put actionable goals in place for yourself.

In this article, I’m going to tell you 6 reasons why you should start setting SMART goals for your career, plus 7 simple ways you can get started today.

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7 Reasons Why Career Development is Important + 11 Simple Ways You Can Get Started Pinterest

7 Reasons Why Career Development is Important + 11 Simple Ways You Can Get Started

In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s more important than ever to take charge of your own career development. 

With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, many traditional jobs are disappearing, and new ones are being created all the time. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it’s a good idea to frequently learn and adapt your skills.

Career development is the process of planning and managing your professional life. When reflecting on your career development plan, you set goals, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to help you achieve your goals. 

In this article, I’ll tell you the 7 key benefits of a career development plan, plus 11 simple ways you can get started.

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