I Turned One of My Side Gigs Into a Full-Time Career: Here’s How + 5 Tips for Success
Full Disclosure: I am a proud affiliate, meaning if you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. My recommendations are based on deep experience with and knowledge of the products I mention and I recommend products only when they are genuinely helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I may receive. Please don’t spend any money on products I recommend unless you genuinely believe they will help you achieve your goals.
In 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic, I turned one of my side gigs into a full-time job. It wasn’t easy, but with hard work, some great support, and even a bit of luck, I managed to replace my income in short order.
I was one of the numerous people that found themselves without a job when COVID shut the world down.
It was tough, but I committed to finding a way forward. I was confident that I would find a way to replace my income.
In this article, I’m going to tell you how I turned one of my side gigs into a full-time job, and how I managed to replace my income when I suddenly found myself jobless in the middle of the pandemic.

After I finished my MBA, I began dreaming of what it would be like to become a full-time business owner. Some of my colleagues had started their own businesses, and they greatly inspired me.
When I started my first business in 2017, I was nowhere near ready to give up my day job. I took on a few clients here and there and ran a few side gigs that transformed over time. But it wouldn’t be until 2020 that I would decide to ramp up my business.
At the time, I was working as a Communications Manager with a small biotech company. I wasn’t doing much with any of my side gigs, and at the time, they were more of a hobby than anything.
The pandemic took the world by storm and like many others, I hadn’t expected to suddenly find myself without a job.
I knew it would be difficult to replace my job in the middle of COVID. I also figured it might just be the opportunity I needed to ramp up my business.
My plans began to formulate. I worked diligently to find a way to quickly acquire new clients and replace my income with my business.

Early Days of Ramping up the Side Gigs
Fortunately for me, I was already plugged into a great network of other entrepreneurs, one of whom I attribute to much of my success in the early days. I’m honestly not sure I could have been so successful without his support.
If you’re reading this, Eliot, I can’t thank you enough.
I’d been on a freelancing platform called Upwork for years but I hadn’t done anything substantial with it. With Eliot’s support, I was able to implement a strategy to help me acquire a number of high-value clients.
Meanwhile, I created a new website and put together my key offers. Within a matter of weeks, the clients trickled in.
Replacing My Income with My Side Gigs
I wasn’t successful overnight, but I did manage to replace my income within a matter of months. It was a quicker success than I could have dreamed of.
The income was variable; some months I’d earn more than others, but it was still a good income.
I continued working on Upwork for a little over a year, eventually shifting away from the platform in favor of repeat clients and other platforms like LinkedIn.
After my second son was born in 2021, I intentionally slowed down my business. I began to imagine what the next iteration of my side gigs might look like, and I was ready for something else.

Entering the Next Phase
I reflected on my values and what I wanted out of my business, ultimately determining that I no longer wanted to continue creating content for others, at least not in the way I was doing it.
I’d worked in the biotech industry for years and wasn’t sure I wanted to step away from that forever, so in 2022, I decided to take another role with a small biotech company.
It wasn’t the right fit, so I eventually left the company, deciding instead to lean back into creating content that was right for me.
Early this year I started FIRE Your Career. Today I’m passionate about helping people like you achieve financial freedom with your own career, whether you choose to pursue one of your own side gigs or not.
My new platform is monetized, so if you click on a link like this one or this one and make a purchase, then I might earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). One day, I hope that this platform is so helpful that I can commit myself to working on this alone.
Maybe that will happen someday, but who knows?

Tips to Aid Your Success
I learned a lot on my own journey, so if you dream of turning one of your side gigs into a full-time career here are a few tips:
My network was the one thing that aided my success above all things. I was fortunate to be connected with knowledgeable and generous people who were willing to help me succeed.
Get clear about your goals
It’s great to have dreams and ideas about what you’d like to do, but unless you can be crystal clear on what you hope to achieve, it will be hard to succeed.
I had so many ideas about what I wanted to do, but it wasn’t until I focused and narrowed in on my goals that I actually began to succeed.
Implement tools to streamline your efforts
There were a number of tools that helped me streamline the efforts in my business. While I was using a different project management tool at the time, today I prefer to use ClickUp.
There are many other tools I’ve used over the years that I recommend (feel free to ask me if you’re looking for something in particular). What ultimately matters is that you use tools that make you a more effective entrepreneur and business owner.
Don’t give up
You will face setbacks in your business at times, but if you’re committed to succeeding, then you’ll need to persevere through the tough moments.

Don’t be afraid to walk away
Over time, I realized my business was no longer serving me in the way I wanted it to. That’s when I decided to make a pivot and refocus on my own content.
I still work with a few clients here and there, but I’m far choosier than I used to be and I’m vastly more satisfied with my work. Sometimes a pivot is necessary, and that’s ok. What was right for you then may change over time and that’s totally natural!
What’s Next?
In all honesty, I’m still figuring out the path forward, but what I do know is that I aspire to inspire and help others through captivating content. I also have faith that the right path forward will show itself when the time is right, as has always happened in the past.
I’m excited about the value that FIRE Your Career provides, and I can’t wait to hear how people like you are using the site to advance your own goals.
So tell me in the comments below about your dreams and goals. If FIRE Your Career has helped you in even a small way, please let me know. It would truly make my day.
I look forward to hearing your stories! I’m also eager to provide you with the support you need on your journey, so ask me any questions you have.
Best of luck to you, and check back again soon for more tips to help you FIRE Your Career.

Think ramping up one of your side gigs might help you FIRE Your Career? Check out the posts page for more ways you can FIRE Your Career and achieve financial freedom.
FIRE Your Career: Achieve Financial Freedom Through Your Career & Spend MORE Time Doing What You Love.
Tools I frequently recommend:
ClickUp (my recommended goal-tracking and project management tool)
Strengths Finder (book to help you uncover your innate strengths, includes a free personality quiz)
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[…] it was stressful to be jobless during that time, but I did manage to ramp up my business to a full-time gig, so it ended up working out in the end. And to be honest, I acquired vastly more skills when I […]