How to Become a Scientist: 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Career in Science
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Have you ever wondered how you can become a scientist?
A career in science can be quite satisfying, and there are various roles that make a significant difference in the world. It’s this very reason that I got into the field initially.
With science comes new innovations, fantastic pursuits, and novel ideas. Science industries tend to be fast-paced but generally come with massive growth potential.
In this article, I’m going to tell you how I started my own career in science, what I would do again, what I would do differently if I had to start over, and 5 tips you can use to help you become a scientist.

How I Became a Scientist
I spent the first 8 years of my career working in technical roles for the biotechnology industry, building a successful career along the way.
It wasn’t easy getting started though. I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Biology right in the smack middle of the Great Recession. At the time, there was little for work, in my industry or otherwise.
I got my first big break when I started working with a recruiting company that specialized in filling technical roles.
Initially, I was pretty skeptical about working with a recruiting company at all. At the time, I believed they only filled temporary roles that no one else wanted like catering, food service, and random software testing roles (some of which I’d already gone through).
It was the break I needed though, and after gaining some experience, I managed to work my way into more experienced and coveted roles.
While it initially took time and effort, I eventually secured roles with Fortune 500 companies like Dow and Bayer, working my way up the career ladder until I became a lab manager. It had been a dream job at the time, and I still appreciate the experience I gained along the way.
What I Would Do Again on My Journey to Become a Scientist
Along my career journey, I made my share of mistakes, but there are also a number of things I would do over again.

Get my degrees
First of all, I’d definitely get my Bachelor of Science degree again, though I might have chosen to do it a little differently.
Later on in my career, I would eventually pursue an MBA, which has also benefitted me.
Work with a recruiting agency
I’d also start working with another recruiting agency, though I’d be less resistant in doing so, and would start working with an agency before I graduated with my degree.
While it was challenging, I would still persevere. A number of my classmates had similar dreams and desires for their careers, yet they quit when things got tough. I succeeded because I refused to quit, even when it was tempting.
What I Would Do Differently on My Journey to Become a Scientist
Pursue a more affordable education
Between my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I graduated with a hefty student loan balance of about $100K. It was a stifling burden that I was more than happy to shed, but I could have avoided such a balance had I chosen differently for my education.
For instance, I could have started in community college instead. There’s always a requirement for general electives, which I could have easily gotten at a much cheaper school, rather than paying the $30K per year.

Experiment in my career
I once believed you had to stick with your career path no matter what, and that it was too risky to change jobs.
Instead, my career could have greatly benefitted if I’d tried a few different roles and hadn’t been so committed to staying on my initially chosen track.
If I experimented sooner, I might have realized much earlier that I would want to make a career transition, but then again hindsight is always 20/20.
5 Tips You Can Use On Your Journey to Become a Scientist
Committed to joining the field? Here are 5 tips you can use to help you become a scientist:
1. Develop a passion for science.
The first step to becoming a scientist is to develop a passion for science. This means being curious about the world around you and wanting to learn more about how things work.
Consider what kind of science interests you. Are you curious about space? Do microorganisms intrigue you? There are many career opportunities in science fields, so think about what field would most excite you.
It also means being willing to ask questions and challenge the status quo. If you don’t have a passion for science, it will be very difficult to succeed in the field.

2. Get a good education.
A strong education is essential for any career in science. You usually need at least a bachelor’s degree to get into research roles, though there are certainly exceptions.
This means taking challenging courses and getting good grades. Science courses can be intense and usually include mandatory labs.
Also a note of caution, you generally get just 1 credit hour per 3 hours of lab, so your course load could quite easily be heavier than your classmates in other majors.
3. Get involved in research.
One of the best ways to learn about science is to get involved in research. This means working with a scientist on a research project.
Research experience will give you hands-on experience with the scientific process, and it will help you develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
There are likely ample opportunities to get involved with research projects at your university, so if you’re taking science classes you’ll likely find ample opportunities.
4. Network with scientists.
Networking with scientists is a great way to learn about different career opportunities and to get advice from experienced scientists.
There are many ways to network with scientists, such as attending scientific conferences, joining professional organizations, and volunteering your time to scientific organizations.
5. Never give up.
Becoming a scientist is a challenging but rewarding career. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but it’s important to never give up on your dreams.
If you’re passionate about science and you’re willing to work hard, you can achieve your goals and become a successful scientist.
Psst… need help keeping track of your goals as you work toward a career in science? I recommend using ClickUp (which includes a free subscription option).

Additional Tips
Here are some additional tips that may help you on your journey to become a scientist:
Become an expert in your field.
This means reading as much as you can about your chosen field, attending conferences, and networking with other scientists.
There are so many career opportunities in science. In order to succeed, you’ll need to develop some kind of specialty. Scientists are known for the depth of their knowledge, not so much their breadth.
Psst… need some help identifying the science field for you? I recommend taking an inventory of your strengths and reading Strengths Finder, which includes a free personality quiz when you buy the book new.
Become a good communicator.
Scientists need to be able to communicate their research to other scientists, as well as to the general public. This means you’ll need to be able to write clearly and concisely and give presentations that are engaging and informative.

Be persistent.
Science is a challenging field, and there will be times when you face setbacks. It’s important to be persistent and never give up on your goals.
Psst… need some inspiration to keep you motivated? I recommend reading Jen Sincero’s book, You Are a Badass.
If you have a passion for science and are willing to work hard, you can achieve your dreams and become a successful scientist.
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Products I recommend in this article:
ClickUp (project management software to keep track of your progress toward your goals)
Strengths Finder (book to inventory your strengths, includes a free personality quiz)
You Are a Badass (motivational book that will add fire to your goals)