How Do You Choose a Passion Project 8 Powerful Tips to Help You Decide. #2 Really Got Me Thinking. Pinterest

How Do You Choose a Passion Project? 8 Powerful Tips to Help You Decide. #2 Really Got Me Thinking.

So you’ve earned yourself a little extra time, or perhaps you’re just looking for a new hobby, but now you might be wondering, “Exactly, how do you choose a passion project?”

Look no further because I’m about to give you some key tips on how to choose a new pursuit that you’ll find fulfilling.

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Why Are Passion Projects Important Pinterest

Why Are Passion Projects Important?

Your friends are talking about their latest project, but you can’t help but wonder, “why are passion projects important?” Or maybe, why should I care? After all, you have enough going on between a career, family, friends, pets, and whatever else, right?

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You’re constantly bombarded with messages telling you what you need to do, who you need to be, and how you need to live your life. It can be hard to find time for the things that you’re passionate about.

But passion projects ARE important. They’re a way to express yourself, learn new things, and grow as an individual. They can also help you find your purpose in life. 

In this article, I’m going to give you 8 benefits that a passion project can have for you, a few passion project ideas to get started, plus how you can get started today.

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5 Signs It’s Time for a Career Break + 10 Amazing Benefits a Career Break Can Have for You Pinterest

5 Signs It’s Time for a Career Break + 10 Amazing Benefits a Career Break Can Have for You

Have you ever wondered if it’s time for you to take a career break? If you’ve been in your career for a while (or even if you haven’t), a career break can have numerous benefits.

In this article, I’ll give you the 5 signs it’s time to consider taking a career break, plus the 10 benefits a career break can have for you.

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How to Turn Your Passion Project Into a Career Pinterest

How to Turn Your Passion Project Into a Career

If you’re like most people, you have at least one passion project. It could be anything from writing to photography to gardening. 

While your passion project may not currently be your career, there are likely opportunities to turn it into one! In fact, many people have turned their passion projects into successful businesses. Here’s how you can get started.

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Strengths Finder 10 Ways to Identify Your Career Strengths Pinterest

Strengths Finder: 10 Ways to Identify Your Career Strengths

Have you ever taken a strengths finder test to uncover your career strengths? It’s important to inventory your strengths from time to time, as it can help you better understand what you’re good at, and how you can grow in your career.

Your career strengths are the skills, talents, and abilities that allow you to succeed in your job. Knowing your strengths can help you make better career decisions, set more realistic goals, and be more productive at work.

There are many different ways to identify your career strengths. Here are 10 ways you can run your own strengths finder analysis:

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