#157 Disabled Employment How to Balance WorkLife and Health Demands

#157: Disabled Employment: How to Balance Work/Life and Health Demands –

Disabled employment can be difficult to navigate, but for some, it is worthwhile, meaningful, and sometimes necessary.

With employment, you gain access to benefits including a salary, health insurance, vacation time, and more. A career can also provide you with purpose and life satisfaction.

Since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, disabled Americans have had better access to employment opportunities. If you live outside the US, there are similar laws in countries including Australia, Canada, and the UK.

Although there has been a lot of progress since before these laws were passed, much of the world is still figuring out how to navigate the complexities alongside disabled employment, and disabled living for that matter.

In this article, we’ll discuss the complexities of disabled employment, exploring the ways to successfully balance work/life, and challenging health demands.

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Worried a Recession Will Impact Your Personal Finances Here Are 7 Simple Steps You Can Take To Build Financial Resilience. Pinterest

Worried a Recession Will Impact Your Personal Finances? Here Are 7 Simple Steps You Can Take To Build Financial Resilience.

Navigating Recessions and Economic Uncertainties with Confidence

In today’s dynamic economic landscape, it’s understandable if you feel a bit anxious about the possibility of a recession and how it might impact your personal finances. 

While recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle, they undoubtedly bring financial challenges. You may not be able to predict the future, but you can prepare your finances to weather the challenges – recession or otherwise.

In fact, with a decent amount of preparation and proactive financial planning, you can emerge even stronger on the other side. There are simple steps you can take today to prepare and protect your financial well-being, regardless of what the future may bring.

It doesn’t have to be daunting to prepare for a challenging economic climate either (recession, inflation, or otherwise). By taking proactive steps, you can gain control over your finances and weather economic storms with confidence.

In this article, you’ll learn 7 simple steps you can take today to prepare for whatever the economy will throw your way. Follow these steps and you’ll be prepared to navigate your finances around economic uncertainties – whether or not that includes a recession.

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I Want to Be a Mad Fientist 10 Activities I Plan On Enjoying in FIRE Retirement Pinterest

I Want to Be a Mad Fientist: 10 Activities I Plan On Enjoying in FIRE Retirement

My journey to FIRE (financial independence, retire early) began years ago, but I still dream of becoming a “mad fientist.” Or in other words, someone that achieves financial freedom and FIRE retirement.

It’s motivating to imagine what kind of lifestyle is possible with FIRE. I envision spending more time with family, enjoying the beach, traveling, playing with my kids, enjoying yoga, and other self-care activities.

You may also dream of achieving FIRE retirement, and if so, you may want to consider activities you’ll pursue when you reach your goals.

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t considered what I would do when I became a mad fientist, at least not until the last year or so.

It’s hard to envision the possibilities when you’re neck deep in a busy career, especially when you have little kids that rely heavily on you.

Even so, it’s important to put thought into your dreams for the future and to reflect on why pursuing a FIRE lifestyle matters to you. It isn’t an easy journey, but it can be worth it, especially when you spend time reflecting on what you’ll do when you achieve your FIRE goals.

In this article, I’m going to share 10 activities I plan on enjoying when I become a mad fientist.

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My Chronic Career Journey How I Built a Successful Career While Navigating Crohn’s Disease Pinterest

My Chronic Career Journey: How I Built a Successful Career While Navigating Crohn’s Disease

After I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, I feared I’d never be able to build a successful career, and it was a dream that greatly mattered to me.

After my diagnosis, it was hard to face the reality that I would likely live with a chronic illness for the rest of my life.

While I didn’t give up on my dreams, I knew that my plans would need to shift, at least to some degree.

When I was young I dreamed of becoming an astronaut. I went to college with that intent and by the time I graduated, I’d become quite familiar with astronaut requirements.

The requirements were strict and incredibly difficult to overcome, even for someone in perfect health, so I knew my chances of becoming an astronaut were essentially 0.

However, I knew I could still become a scientist, and I dreamed of building a successful career and making a difference through science.

As you’ll soon learn, my career didn’t go exactly as planned, and I never foresaw making a shift like I would eventually make, but I did manage to build a successful career. In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what I did to build my career while managing Crohn’s disease.

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Tips for Chronic Illness and Mental Health 10 Activities to Conquer Stress and Enhance Wellbeing Pinterest

Tips for Chronic Illness and Mental Health: 10 Activities to Conquer Stress and Enhance Wellbeing

It can be hard to balance a chronic illness and mental health.

After all, health issues can take a serious toll. And if stress aggravates your symptoms, then you might find yourself in a brutal cycle of declining mental health that then impacts your chronic illness. If you’ve managed to avoid this vicious cycle, trust me, it isn’t fun.

Both your physical and mental health matter, but it’s often challenging to manage them in the stressful world we live in. Life happens, and before you know it your health becomes the last priority.

It’s easy to let things slide, but it comes with dire consequences when you have a chronic illness. It’s important to take the time your chronic illness and mental health need to improve your well-being.

If you’re hoping to get your health back on the right track then you’re in the right place. In this article, I’m going to share 10 activities that can support your chronic illness and mental health.

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Investing 101 for the Chronically Ambitious a FIRE Quest for Success Pinterest

Investing 101 for the Chronically Ambitious: a FIRE Quest for Success

Investing 101 Introduction: A Pathway to Financial Freedom

It’s tough to balance a chronic illness with life demands, but somehow life finds a way.

(I know, I know. That was a terrible place for a classic Jurassic Park quote, but somehow it’s still fitting.)

In reality, you’re a warrior: a chronic illness warrior. Somehow, you do it all, and you and I know that life is tough even WITHOUT having to balance a chronic illness.

I get it, the last thing on your mind is probably your investing strategy. You have 1,000 doctor’s appointments, and you can’t quite remember when you last took your meds…

Speaking of which, I forgot to take mine. Hang on…

Where were we? Ah, yeah…

Your chronic illness takes a beating on you, and sometimes it’s incessant and unending. Sometimes your dreams feel impossible, especially when simply getting out of bed feels like you completed a marathon.

Yes, there are days when it’s a struggle, and there will be days when you feel like giving up. It’s totally understandable, and you absolutely deserve grace. 

You also deserve success, and success doesn’t get handed to any of us. You have to fight for it.

What does this have to do with investing 101, you might wonder? Keep reading on and you’ll find out.

In this investing 101 article, I’m going to provide you with 5 tips you can use to build a successful investing strategy, even as you balance the demands of your chronic illness.

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10 Tips to Enhance Your Professional Development While You Balance a Chronic Illness

10 Tips to Enhance Your Professional Development While You Balance a Chronic Illness

If professional development matters to you and you’re balancing a chronic illness, you’re in the right place.

It’s not easy to balance a chronic illness with your professional pursuits, but if career advancement matters to you then it’s important to consider your professional development.

So how do you balance your professional and health needs? It’s not an easy balance to achieve, and if you’re anything like me, then you probably have to make frequent adjustments on your journey.

You don’t need to sacrifice your health or your career, but achieving that balance is essential if you dream of advancing your career.

In this article, you’ll get 10 tips you can use on your professional development journey so that you can better balance your chronic illness and your career goals.

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Fire Your Side Hustle With These 10 Tips Achieve Balance and Overcome Chronic Illness Challenge Pinterest

Fire Your Side Hustle With These 10 Tips: Achieve Balance and Overcome Chronic Illness Challenge

If you’ve already started a side hustle, or if you’re considering starting one, then you know how difficult it can be to balance your health with your pursuits (personal, professional, or otherwise).

You might even be trying to balance a career on top of it, which might be a challenging act, one you may find is often out of sync.

But what if you want to grow a side hustle to a full-time gig? Perhaps your small business brings passion to your life in a way that your day job can’t, in which case you may dream of doing more with it.

It can seem daunting to turn your side hustle into your full-time career, but it’s definitely possible. With careful planning and execution, you can grow your business while still managing your chronic illness.

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 tips you can use to grow your side hustle into a full-time business while balancing the demands of your chronic illness.

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Build Wealth in 5 Steps Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior Pinterest

Build Wealth in 5 Steps: Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior

It can be a challenge to build wealth, but it can be especially difficult if you have a chronic illness. 

As a chronic illness warrior, it may be harder to work, earn money, and save for the future. Between the medical bills and chronic fatigue, among various other life challenges, it might feel impossible to get ahead.

If life was a video game, it would be like constantly playing on hard mode. The game might be harder, but it’s not impossible to beat.

With careful planning and execution, you can still build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

In this article, you’ll get 5 simple steps you can take to start a successful wealth-building journey. I’ll also share key investment strategies you can use to build a solid investment portfolio.

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Your Employer Denied Your Reasonable Accommodation Request. Now What 7 Steps You Can Take to Achieve a Better Resolution Pinterest

Your Employer Denied Your Reasonable Accommodation Request. Now What? 7 Steps You Can Take to Achieve a Better Resolution

If you’ve already made a reasonable accommodation request from your employer, then good work! It’s tough to even have the guts to speak up about what you need (I speak from experience).

Ideally, your employer will approve your request outright, however, there is a chance that they may deny it. The law compels your employer to approve your request, assuming it follows ADA guidelines.

However, your employer may deny your request for one of the following reasons:

  1. They have fewer than 15 employees and/or can prove the request causes an undue hardship
  2. They are unfamiliar with ADA laws
  3. Your request has nothing to do with a disability

Whether you’ve already made your request, or you’re preparing for what could happen if your request is denied, this article will give you 7 steps you can use to achieve a better resolution if your reasonable accommodation request is denied.

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