#140 Is Financial Freedom Possible When You Have a Disability

#140: Is Financial Freedom Possible When You Have a Disability? –

If you’ve ever struggled with a disability, whether it’s a physical limitation, chronic illness, or something else, then you’re living life in “hard” mode (as if life wasn’t already hard enough, right?).

Hard mode or not, you still have hopes and dreams and deserve the chance to achieve them.

Your hopes and dreams might even include achieving financial freedom, but it might feel impossible (like many things in life).

The pursuit of financial freedom is an aspiration for many, but when you have a disability, you’re faced with unique challenges. 

The additional costs associated with healthcare, assistive technology, and potential limitations on earning potential can make the journey to financial freedom more complex. 

So, is it possible to achieve financial freedom when you have a disability?

I’ll quickly skip to the ending by answering. Yes, financial freedom is achievable, regardless of disability. That said, it doesn’t come easy (disability or not).

If you’ve landed on this page, you might want to know how or why financial freedom is possible when you have a disability, especially when just living can seem hard enough.

If this describes you, then you’re in luck. In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know so that you can understand how and why it’s possible to achieve financial freedom, even with a disability.

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136 7 Ways the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Empowers Employees

#136: 7 Ways the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Empowers Employees –

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been a cornerstone of civil rights for individuals with disabilities since its passage in 1990. 

This groundbreaking legislation significantly transformed the workplace, creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for millions of Americans. It provided the rights and a pathway for disabled Americans to participate in the workplace in ways they weren’t previously able to.

It’s been decades since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, yet there’s still confusion about what it entails. Both employees and employers struggle to understand the rules and requirements at times. The laws behind it are complex, but it is possible to navigate them.

If you have a legal disability, whether it’s a chronic illness, vision impairment, mobility issue, or otherwise, you might be surprised about the extensive ways the ADA can support you in the workplace.

In this article, we’ll explore seven key ways the ADA empowers disabled employees. Arm yourself with this information and you’ll be well on your way to better understanding your rights, and potentially negotiating with employers.

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Worried a Recession Will Impact Your Personal Finances Here Are 7 Simple Steps You Can Take To Build Financial Resilience. Pinterest

Worried a Recession Will Impact Your Personal Finances? Here Are 7 Simple Steps You Can Take To Build Financial Resilience.

Navigating Recessions and Economic Uncertainties with Confidence

In today’s dynamic economic landscape, it’s understandable if you feel a bit anxious about the possibility of a recession and how it might impact your personal finances. 

While recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle, they undoubtedly bring financial challenges. You may not be able to predict the future, but you can prepare your finances to weather the challenges – recession or otherwise.

In fact, with a decent amount of preparation and proactive financial planning, you can emerge even stronger on the other side. There are simple steps you can take today to prepare and protect your financial well-being, regardless of what the future may bring.

It doesn’t have to be daunting to prepare for a challenging economic climate either (recession, inflation, or otherwise). By taking proactive steps, you can gain control over your finances and weather economic storms with confidence.

In this article, you’ll learn 7 simple steps you can take today to prepare for whatever the economy will throw your way. Follow these steps and you’ll be prepared to navigate your finances around economic uncertainties – whether or not that includes a recession.

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My FIRE Movement Plans Moving Forward A Future FIRE Lifestyle Pinterest

My FIRE Movement Plans Moving Forward: A Future FIRE Lifestyle

I began following the FIRE movement nearly a decade ago. While I still have a journey ahead of me, FIRE has helped me substantially change my life in short order.

Since I started FIRE, I’ve paid off my student loans, maximized my income, learned to live below my means, and achieved many of my other financial goals.

While my journey is far from over, FIRE has helped me become more financially free. Between myself and my partner, we can afford to live off just one of our incomes.

When it comes to the FIRE movement, we still have plans for what we want to accomplish in the future, and in this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what we have planned for FIRE next.

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What FIRE Retirement Means to Me Pinterest

What FIRE Retirement Means to Me

FIRE retirement is something that really only became important to me after my kids were born.

In the past, I was blindly ambitious. I dreamed of climbing high up the corporate ladder and achieving remarkable milestones throughout my career.

I could have easily continued on that path, had I decided it was right for me, but thanks to my children, I quickly determined it wasn’t.

That doesn’t mean I don’t respect those that have continued on that path. It’s a tough journey forward, and I applaud anyone for going after their dreams, regardless of what they are.

A FIRE retirement became important to me because I started dreaming of spending more time with my children. I don’t ever see myself giving up ambition, or my career entirely, but I’d like to have more flexibility to choose how I work, when, and how much.

Over the years, I’ve been able to become far more financially free than I ever was, though I’m still working to achieve a FIRE retirement. My partner and I have made remarkable progress on our journey, and we can live off of just one of our incomes today if we choose.

In this article, I’ll share the methods we used to become more financially free, and I’ll tell you what I’d like to achieve with a FIRE retirement.

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Tips for Chronic Illness and Mental Health 10 Activities to Conquer Stress and Enhance Wellbeing Pinterest

Tips for Chronic Illness and Mental Health: 10 Activities to Conquer Stress and Enhance Wellbeing

It can be hard to balance a chronic illness and mental health.

After all, health issues can take a serious toll. And if stress aggravates your symptoms, then you might find yourself in a brutal cycle of declining mental health that then impacts your chronic illness. If you’ve managed to avoid this vicious cycle, trust me, it isn’t fun.

Both your physical and mental health matter, but it’s often challenging to manage them in the stressful world we live in. Life happens, and before you know it your health becomes the last priority.

It’s easy to let things slide, but it comes with dire consequences when you have a chronic illness. It’s important to take the time your chronic illness and mental health need to improve your well-being.

If you’re hoping to get your health back on the right track then you’re in the right place. In this article, I’m going to share 10 activities that can support your chronic illness and mental health.

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Build Wealth in 5 Steps Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior Pinterest

Build Wealth in 5 Steps: Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior

It can be a challenge to build wealth, but it can be especially difficult if you have a chronic illness. 

As a chronic illness warrior, it may be harder to work, earn money, and save for the future. Between the medical bills and chronic fatigue, among various other life challenges, it might feel impossible to get ahead.

If life was a video game, it would be like constantly playing on hard mode. The game might be harder, but it’s not impossible to beat.

With careful planning and execution, you can still build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

In this article, you’ll get 5 simple steps you can take to start a successful wealth-building journey. I’ll also share key investment strategies you can use to build a solid investment portfolio.

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10 Tips for the Chronic Illness Warrior How to Achieve Financial Freedom with FIRE Pinterest

10 Tips for the Chronic Illness Warrior: How to Achieve Financial Freedom with FIRE

Financial freedom may seem like a lofty goal, especially for a chronic illness warrior (i.e. someone that lives with a chronic illness). However, gaining financial freedom via the FIRE method holds immense and rising appeal.

After all, why wouldn’t you want to spend more time doing the things that bring you joy? You could spend more of your time enjoying the company of your loved ones, choose to work (or not) and live a more stress-free life.

It can be a financial challenge to live with a chronic illness. Between the cost of medical care, medications, and related fees, the expenses can rise rapidly. This can make it difficult to save for retirement or achieve other financial goals.

While it can be a challenge, there are ways to prepare for financial freedom, chronic illness or not. The FIRE method (Financial Independence, Retire Early) can provide structure and a plan to help you achieve your most ambitious financial goals, even if your income is limited.

In this article, I’ll provide a brief introduction to how you can start following the FIRE method, and I’ll give you 10 key tips you can use on your journey to financial success as a chronic illness warrior.

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How to Navigate a Career with a Chronic Illness 10 Tips for Career Success Pinterest

How to Navigate a Career with a Chronic Illness: 10 Tips for Career Success

Let’s be honest, life is tough without a chronic illness. Tack on a chronic illness and you get… chaos.

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or living with a chronic illness for years, you may relate. But your dreams matter, including those that you have for your career. 

You might have well-meaning loved ones and doctors telling you that you should just let your dreams go, or that you need to change your plans for the future.

While they may have the best intentions at heart, ultimately only you can decide what is best for you, and you should never give up on your dreams.

It’s tough to struggle with a chronic illness, but sometimes your career can be the perfect distraction. It may be something you look forward to, and it may even provide fulfillment in your life.

If that sounds like you, or you think it might, then keep reading on. In this article, I’m going to provide you with 10 key tips you can use to help you navigate your career while managing a chronic illness. Use these simple tips and you’ll be well on your way to career success.

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The Career Mom Why a Career is So Important in Life + 10 Surprising Ways a Career Improves Your Life Balance Pinterest

The Career Mom: Why a Career is So Important in Life + 10 Surprising Ways a Career Improves Your Life Balance

Are you a career mom, dad, parent, or even simply interested in becoming one?

Being a parent is a full-time job alone. But for many, having a career is important too. 

A career can provide financial security, personal fulfillment, and a sense of identity. It can also improve your life balance.

In this article, I’ll tell you 10 key ways a career can actually improve your life balance as a parent.

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