Fired Up About Your Latest Project Here Are 10 Passion Project Reflection Questions for Busy Moms Pinterest

Fired Up About Your Latest Project? Here Are 10 Passion Project Reflection Questions for Busy Moms

If you’ve already started a passion project, or even if you’re thinking of getting something new started, you’ll want to consider some passion project reflection questions to ensure your project is properly serving you.

As a mom, you’re constantly giving of yourself. You’re there for your kids, your partner, your job, and your community. You’re a caregiver, a chauffeur, a teacher, a cook, and a maid, among everything else to your family, right? 

It can be easy to lose sight of your own passions and dreams. But it’s important to make time for the things that make you happy, even if it’s just a little bit each day.

That’s where passion projects and side hustles can come in. You might choose to work on anything from writing to painting or volunteering. You may also decide to start your own business or do something else entirely different. 

A passion project is something that you do for yourself, either as a way to make extra money or simply because you enjoy it. 

In this article, I’m going to share some passion project reflection questions to ask yourself, which will serve you whether you’re considering starting a new project or simply reflecting on the one you’re already working on.

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5 Simple Steps for Moms Jumpstart Your Journey to FIRE Pinterest

5 Simple Steps for Moms: Jumpstart Your Journey to FIRE

The FIRE movement, or Financial Independence, Retire Early, is a growing trend that is gaining popularity among busy, career-driven moms. 

The goal of the FIRE movement is to retire early by saving and investing aggressively. While it can seem like a daunting task, it is possible for moms like you, especially if you’re willing to make some sacrifices and put in the work.

There are a few key things that you as a busy, career-driven mom can do to increase your chances of retiring early. 

In this article, I’ll give you 5 simple steps to help you start your journey to FIRE, plus additional tips you can use further along in your journey.

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How to Negotiate a Salary in Your Current Job 10 Tips + Handy Resources. #9 Surprised Me! Pinterest

How to Negotiate a Salary in Your Current Job: 10 Tips + Handy Resources. #9 Surprised Me!

It can be a daunting task to negotiate a salary in your current job, but it’s important to remember that you have the right to ask for what you’re worth. 

If you think you deserve a higher salary, you’re probably right!

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 key tips to help you negotiate a salary in your current job, plus a few resources that you can use to hedge your chances of success at getting a higher salary.

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Passion to Profit 101 How to Choose a Passion Project That You're Truly Passionate About Pinterest

Passion to Profit 101: How to Choose a Passion Project That You’re Truly Passionate About

What would you do if you could turn your passion to profit?

A passion project or side hustle can be a great avenue to learn new skills, expand your capabilities, and even potentially turn a profit.

You can use the profit from your side hustle to pay off debt, grow your savings, make extra investments, and reach your FIRE goals sooner.

While a passion project can have numerous benefits, it can be difficult to turn a profit, depending on your project of choice. While you may be happy enough to work on your project for other reasons, you should consider whether or not it’s important to you that you can make your project profitable.

So before you start your next passion project, you should consider a few factors.

In this article, I’m going to tell you 5 important factors you should consider before you start your next passion project.

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How to Achieve Financial Independence 7 Steps to Get Started. #5 Got Me Fired Up!

How to Achieve Financial Independence: 7 Steps to Get Started. #5 Got Me Fired Up!

Have you ever considered what it would take for you to achieve financial independence?

Perhaps you dream of spending more time with family and friends, being able to take a break from your career, retiring early, or even just investing more of your time in your passion projects.

Financial independence or financial freedom means you can live comfortably without having to work. While it’s a goal that many people strive for, it can be difficult to achieve.

Whatever your reasons for working to achieve financial independence, it can have immense benefits for your life.

In this article, I’ll provide a brief overview of the benefits of financial freedom and I’ll give you 7 steps to help you on your journey to achieve financial independence.

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Your Best Side Hustle Planner and Organizers Project Management Tools Pinterest V2

Your Best Side Hustle Planner and Organizers: Project Management Tools

The Best Project Management Tool to Organize Your Side Hustle

Are you looking for a side hustle planner to keep you organized and on track? There are numerous project management tools available, but not all were built equally.

Since 2017, when I started my first business, I’ve experimented with a wide variety of project management tools, so I’ve become well-versed in the pros and cons of the various options.

My favorite tool by far is ClickUp, but I’ve used many others over the years.

In this article, I’m going to tell you about my favorite project management tool (ClickUp), why it’s my favorite tool, and I’m also going to tell you a bit about some of the other tools I’ve used along the way.

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4 Simple Steps for Getting Started with Investing in the Stock Market Pinterest

4 Simple Steps for Getting Started: Investing in the Stock Market: Part 2

Are you interested in investing in the stock market and wondering how to get started?

It might feel overwhelming when you first get going, but if you start simply and take things one step at a time, it doesn’t have to be overly difficult to start investing in the stock market.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with 4 easy-to-follow steps to help you get started with investing in the stock market today. If you’re ready then let’s get started!

Psst… If you’re not sure whether or not investing in the stock market is right for you, I encourage you to read part 1 of this 2-part post series.

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The 5 Best Side Hustles to Start in 2023 Pinterest

The 5 Best Side Hustles to Start in 2023

If you’re looking for the best side hustle to start in 2023 then you’ve come to the right place!

Perhaps you’re looking for a way to make some extra income on the side, or you simply want to pursue a new passion project.

In either case, the list below comprises 5 of the best side hustles in 2023, based on the following factors:

  • Ease to start
  • Upfront cost
  • Income potential

The below side hustles are my 5 top picks, and I’d certainly pick from one of these if I decided to start out fresh. So let’s dive in, read on to learn about my 5 top picks for a side hustle to start in 2023.

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5 Simple Tips to Help You Start Investing in the Stock Market Pinterest

5 Simple Tips to Help You Start Investing in the Stock Market: Part 1

The stock market can be a daunting place for beginners. I remember what it felt like when I started my first retirement account. It was massively overwhelming and I felt like a hopeless, confused donkey as I made my investment choices.

Because it can be such a scary place to be a beginner, I recommend going slow. The key to success is to start with a solid foundation and then build from there.

In this article, I’m going to share 5 simple tips to help you get started on stock market investing.

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10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan Pinterest

10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan

Your career development plan can have a profound impact on your career, especially if you’re thinking about how you put one together.

In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to have a clear plan to help you achieve your career goals.

It might feel like a daunting process to create a plan, but it can actually be quite simple.

Your career development plan is like a roadmap that helps you map out your goals, develop the skills and experience you need to achieve those goals, and track your progress over time. 

Read on to get the 10 simple steps you can take to create a career development plan that will help you achieve your most ambitious career goals.

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