How to Find a Career That Accommodates Your Disability 7 Tips for Success

How to Find a Career That Accommodates Your Disability: 7 Tips for Success

It’s challenging to live with a disability, but you can still lead a happy fulfilled life, which might include building a successful career.

Many careers are well-suited for people with disabilities. The key is to find a career that matches your skills and interests, and that can be accommodated to meet your specific needs.

Reflect and determine which jobs are reasonable for you based on your condition. If you have back pain, for instance, then you may need to find a role that limits your need to lift a heavy burden. If you have a chronic illness that causes chronic fatigue, then you may need reduced or flexible hours.

There isn’t a one-size fits all approach, as your condition may impact your life in unique ways, so you’ll want to consider what you’ll need in your career to enable your success in the long term.

In this article, I’ll provide a brief overview of your disability rights, 7 tips to help you find a career that accommodates your disability, and 6 jobs that might be suitable for someone with a disability (depending on your specific needs).

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How to Request a Reasonable Accommodation from Your Employer 10 Tips to Support a Chronic Illness in the Workplace Pinterest

How to Request a Reasonable Accommodation from Your Employer: 10 Tips to Support a Chronic Illness in the Workplace

If you have a legal disability, then you have the right to request a reasonable accommodation in the workplace, whether your condition is visible or invisible.

It’s tough to live with a health issue that impacts your life in some way, and it can be even tougher to keep working, but for a lot of people, it’s worth the challenge.

If you are a chronic illness warrior and you’re committed to continuing your career, then you may want to request a reasonable accommodation from your employer. That reasonable accommodation might even be just the thing keeping you in the workforce, and if so, you should strongly consider making the request.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with 10 tips to help you request a reasonable accommodation from your employer, plus I’ll provide a few examples of requests you may want to consider making.

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Passion Project Ideas for Busy Moms + 6 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Build a Successful Side Hustle Pinterest

Passion Project Ideas for Busy Moms + 6 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Build a Successful Side Hustle

It’s hard work being a mom, but maybe you’re ready to consider some new passion project ideas. 

I know what you’re thinking. You’re busy enough; how could you possibly consider starting a new project? While you may be plenty busy already, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some you-time, and a new passion project might just be the perfect outlet.

In fact, having a passion project can be a great way to relieve stress, and boost your mood and creativity. Having an activity to focus on besides motherhood can also be a great way to connect with other people. 

In this article, I’m going to give you 6 ideas to consider for your next passion project, a few tips to support your journey, plus 6 important questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’re set for success.

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How to Negotiate a Salary in Your Current Job 10 Tips + Handy Resources. #9 Surprised Me! Pinterest

How to Negotiate a Salary in Your Current Job: 10 Tips + Handy Resources. #9 Surprised Me!

It can be a daunting task to negotiate a salary in your current job, but it’s important to remember that you have the right to ask for what you’re worth. 

If you think you deserve a higher salary, you’re probably right!

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 key tips to help you negotiate a salary in your current job, plus a few resources that you can use to hedge your chances of success at getting a higher salary.

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10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan Pinterest

10 Simple Steps to Help You Create Your Career Development Plan

Your career development plan can have a profound impact on your career, especially if you’re thinking about how you put one together.

In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to have a clear plan to help you achieve your career goals.

It might feel like a daunting process to create a plan, but it can actually be quite simple.

Your career development plan is like a roadmap that helps you map out your goals, develop the skills and experience you need to achieve those goals, and track your progress over time. 

Read on to get the 10 simple steps you can take to create a career development plan that will help you achieve your most ambitious career goals.

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Why Career Advancement is Important + Achieve Your Employment Goals – 5 Tips Pinterest

Why Career Advancement is Important + Achieve Your Employment Goals – 5 Tips

Career advancement is the process of moving up in your career. Typically, this is defined by taking on more responsibility and earning a higher salary in your chosen field. 

You can advance your career by earning a promotion, or even taking up leadership responsibilities in your existing team. You might go from a specialist to a manager or leader, or manager to a director, for instance. 

However, not all promotions come with job title changes. For example, a manager role with a smaller company may mean something else entirely with a larger company.

Increased responsibilities may not sound appealing, but earning a higher income can vastly raise your ability to achieve a FIRE lifestyle, and sooner. 

It can be a challenging process to advance your career, but it can also be very rewarding. There are many reasons why career advancement is important, including:

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