#149 Holiday Hustle 10 Ways to Boost Your Finances

#149: Holiday Hustle: 10 Ways to Boost Your Finances –

The holiday season is a time of joy, cheer, and the busy holiday hustle.

Covering unexpected expenses this holiday season might be challenging, but the holiday hustle doesn’t have to drain your wallet. 

You can enjoy the festivities without compromising your financial goals with a little planning and creativity. 

Ideally, the holiday season is a time for you to enjoy more time with loved ones, the magic of the season, and look forward to a bright new year to come.

It might be a stressful time of year, but there are ways you can strategize and plan to make it a wonderful time of year for yourself and your loved ones.

This article is designed to help you holiday hustle your way to financial success. So if you’re ready, here are 10 tips to support your financial future this holiday season.

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My FIRE Movement Plans Moving Forward A Future FIRE Lifestyle Pinterest

My FIRE Movement Plans Moving Forward: A Future FIRE Lifestyle

I began following the FIRE movement nearly a decade ago. While I still have a journey ahead of me, FIRE has helped me substantially change my life in short order.

Since I started FIRE, I’ve paid off my student loans, maximized my income, learned to live below my means, and achieved many of my other financial goals.

While my journey is far from over, FIRE has helped me become more financially free. Between myself and my partner, we can afford to live off just one of our incomes.

When it comes to the FIRE movement, we still have plans for what we want to accomplish in the future, and in this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what we have planned for FIRE next.

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How I Plan to Retire Early and FIRE My Career Pinterest

How I Plan to Retire Early and FIRE My Career

If you’ve been following the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early), you probably already know that early retirement is a fundamental component.

When I first started pursuing FIRE with my partner, I had no plans to retire early. I figured I’d achieve financial freedom, but would likely continue working in my career for many years.

After my boys were born, my perspective changed. While I know that I won’t be ready to retire any time soon, it is something that I’m passionate about pursuing.

In this article, I’m going to tell you how I plan on getting to the “retire early” portion of the FIRE method. I’ll also tell you what I’ve achieved to date with FIRE, and what I have planned when I eventually choose to retire early.

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What FIRE Retirement Means to Me Pinterest

What FIRE Retirement Means to Me

FIRE retirement is something that really only became important to me after my kids were born.

In the past, I was blindly ambitious. I dreamed of climbing high up the corporate ladder and achieving remarkable milestones throughout my career.

I could have easily continued on that path, had I decided it was right for me, but thanks to my children, I quickly determined it wasn’t.

That doesn’t mean I don’t respect those that have continued on that path. It’s a tough journey forward, and I applaud anyone for going after their dreams, regardless of what they are.

A FIRE retirement became important to me because I started dreaming of spending more time with my children. I don’t ever see myself giving up ambition, or my career entirely, but I’d like to have more flexibility to choose how I work, when, and how much.

Over the years, I’ve been able to become far more financially free than I ever was, though I’m still working to achieve a FIRE retirement. My partner and I have made remarkable progress on our journey, and we can live off of just one of our incomes today if we choose.

In this article, I’ll share the methods we used to become more financially free, and I’ll tell you what I’d like to achieve with a FIRE retirement.

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I Want to Be a Mad Fientist 10 Activities I Plan On Enjoying in FIRE Retirement Pinterest

I Want to Be a Mad Fientist: 10 Activities I Plan On Enjoying in FIRE Retirement

My journey to FIRE (financial independence, retire early) began years ago, but I still dream of becoming a “mad fientist.” Or in other words, someone that achieves financial freedom and FIRE retirement.

It’s motivating to imagine what kind of lifestyle is possible with FIRE. I envision spending more time with family, enjoying the beach, traveling, playing with my kids, enjoying yoga, and other self-care activities.

You may also dream of achieving FIRE retirement, and if so, you may want to consider activities you’ll pursue when you reach your goals.

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t considered what I would do when I became a mad fientist, at least not until the last year or so.

It’s hard to envision the possibilities when you’re neck deep in a busy career, especially when you have little kids that rely heavily on you.

Even so, it’s important to put thought into your dreams for the future and to reflect on why pursuing a FIRE lifestyle matters to you. It isn’t an easy journey, but it can be worth it, especially when you spend time reflecting on what you’ll do when you achieve your FIRE goals.

In this article, I’m going to share 10 activities I plan on enjoying when I become a mad fientist.

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How We Annihilated $85K of Student Debt in 18 Months Pinterest

How We Annihilated $85K of Student Debt in 18 Months

As I sat down in our tax accountant’s office, I looked down at the piece of paper I was holding in my hands. It was an important document that reflected what I’d paid in interest toward my student debt that year. 

I couldn’t believe the figure in front of my face, yet it was right there. 

In just one year, I’d paid roughly $3,000 of interest into my student loans. And that was only the interest for one year. It didn’t account for the amount I’d paid into the principal balances, or what my husband had paid into his student loans either. 

That $3,000 was all I was allowed to write off on our taxes.

I had just paid what accounted for a nice cruise vacation into my student debt interest, and it didn’t even help lower the balance. I would have rathered spent the money on that vacation instead, but here I was, holding the piece of paper that proved I’d done otherwise. 

That money was gone, wasted.

I shook my head before I handed the document over to the accountant.

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What Are the Top 5 Online Side Hustles for Moms Best Side Hustles That Make Money in 2023 Pinterest

What Are the Top 5 Online Side Hustles for Moms? Best Side Hustles That Make Money in 2023

Being a mom is a full-time job (and beyond) all on its own, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an online side hustle. In fact, a side hustle or passion project can be a great way to make some extra money, have some fun, and expand your skills.

If you’re a mom looking for a new passion project, there are a number of online side hustles that can be a great fit. 

In this article, I’m going to give you the top 5 online side hustles that make money, plus 6 tips to help you on your journey to passion project success.

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How a Career-Driven Mom-To-Be Can Financially Prepare for a Baby Pinterest

How a Career-Driven Mom-To-Be Can Financially Prepare for a Baby

If you’re a mom-to-be, let me first wish you congratulations!

Motherhood has its ups and downs, but few things (in my opinion) are more rewarding than welcoming a new life into your world. 

It’s a major life event to welcome a new baby, and it’s important to be financially prepared for the inevitable life changes.

This is especially true for career-driven moms, who may need to take time off work or change work arrangements to care for a new child.

In this article, I’m going to give you 14 tips to help you financially prepare for a baby.

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How a Career Shift Can Provide Better WorkLife Balance for Moms 7 Key Benefits + 8 Tips for Success Pinterest

How a Career Shift Can Provide Better Work/Life Balance for Moms: 7 Key Benefits + 8 Tips for Success

It’s tough to be a career mom, and at some point in time, you may need to make a career shift to achieve a more optimal work-life balance.

Let’s be honest, being a mom is a demanding job all on its own, but a career only adds to the complexity and challenge. 

Not all careers and workplaces are family-friendly. It can be a tough realization, especially if you’re in a career you once loved, but if you find yourself feeling burned out and exhausted, then it may be time to make a career change.

Some workplaces are family-friendly. From providing flexibility to on-site childcare, paid maternity leave, and other great family benefits, some organizations know exactly what moms need and want, and they’re willing to provide you with support that can add substantial value.

I decided to make a career shift after becoming a mom myself, and while it was challenging to make the change, it was 100% the right decision for me and my family.

If you’re wondering how a career shift can benefit you, then read on because I’m going to share 4 ways a career shift can improve your work-life balance, 7 key benefits of making a career change, and 8 tips to help you on your journey to find a fulfilling new career. 

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Fired Up About Your Latest Project Here Are 10 Passion Project Reflection Questions for Busy Moms Pinterest

Fired Up About Your Latest Project? Here Are 10 Passion Project Reflection Questions for Busy Moms

If you’ve already started a passion project, or even if you’re thinking of getting something new started, you’ll want to consider some passion project reflection questions to ensure your project is properly serving you.

As a mom, you’re constantly giving of yourself. You’re there for your kids, your partner, your job, and your community. You’re a caregiver, a chauffeur, a teacher, a cook, and a maid, among everything else to your family, right? 

It can be easy to lose sight of your own passions and dreams. But it’s important to make time for the things that make you happy, even if it’s just a little bit each day.

That’s where passion projects and side hustles can come in. You might choose to work on anything from writing to painting or volunteering. You may also decide to start your own business or do something else entirely different. 

A passion project is something that you do for yourself, either as a way to make extra money or simply because you enjoy it. 

In this article, I’m going to share some passion project reflection questions to ask yourself, which will serve you whether you’re considering starting a new project or simply reflecting on the one you’re already working on.

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