#123 Is an MBA Worth It How to Get the Most Out of Your Education

#123: Is an MBA Worth It? How to Get the Most Out of Your Education –

The question, “Is an MBA worth it?” echoes through the minds of countless career changers and ambitious professionals. 

An MBA can be a powerful tool for propelling your career forward, but the hefty price tag demands careful consideration.

Student debt in the US has hit record highs in recent years and it’s a major concern, but fairly so. After all, it’s painful to take on hefty student debt, especially if you eventually pursue a career in an unrelated field.

That’s not to say that a degree isn’t worth it; many say it is. I count myself among this group. But some regret their choices for further education. 

This article explores the value an MBA can provide for YOU, analyzing the potential benefits across various job fields. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll have a set of decision-making tools to help you determine if an MBA is the right investment for you.

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Passion to Profit 106 How to Drive Business Growth With a Killer Marketing Plan Pinterest

Passion to Profit 106: How to Drive Business Growth With a Killer Marketing Plan

Introduction: Why Do You Need a Marketing Plan?

A marketing plan is essential for any business that wants to grow and succeed. 

It doesn’t need to be fancy, but it is something you’ll want to reflect on carefully if you’re serious about growing your business.

A well-crafted marketing plan can help you reach your target audience, promote your products or services, and generate leads and sales.

But what makes a marketing plan truly killer? You’re about to find out!

In this article, I’ll share some tips to help you write a marketing plan that will help you take your business to the next level.

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Entreprener 101 Get Help When You Need It Pinterest

Entreprener 101: Get Help When You Need It

If you’ve ever taken a business college course, you probably didn’t learn when to get help in Entrepreneur 101. However, that doesn’t make getting help any less important.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely path at times, but to be successful, you can’t truly do it all on your own. At some point, you’re going to need help.

Starting a business is hard work, even if you’re passionate about your business. There are so many things that need to be done, from developing a business plan to marketing your product or service. And it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, especially if you’re new to entrepreneurship.

That’s why it’s important to get help when you need it. There are many resources available to entrepreneurs, from government agencies to business organizations and individual mentors.

In this article, I’m going to tell you the signs it’s time to get support, resources that can provide you with help, and how to prepare for getting the help you’ll need to be a successful entrepreneur.

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Passion to Profit 104 Set Realistic Business Growth Expectations Pinterest

Passion to Profit 104: Set Realistic Business Growth Expectations

If you dream of turning your side hustle into a money-making machine, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is set realistic business growth expectations.

It’s not easy to be an entrepreneur, but success is possible, especially if you set reasonable expectations.

If you set your sights too high, then you set yourself up for disappointment. That disappointment can lead to a lack of motivation which can stunt your business growth entirely, and eventually lead it to failure.

On the other hand, if you set your sights too low, then you might miss out on potential opportunities.

It’s a bit like “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” You don’t want to set your sights too high, or too low. You want exactly what’s right for you and your business. 

But how do you know what’s right?

In this article, I’m going to give you 7 key steps you can use to set realistic business growth expectations. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to turning your side hustle into a money-making machine.

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Passion to Profit 103 How to Create a Business Plan

Passion to Profit 103: How to Create a Business Plan

How to Create a Business Plan: The Key Steps

If you’re committed to turning your passion project into a profitable venture, you may want to consider building a business plan.

A business plan is a roadmap for your business. It helps you define your goals, strategies, and financial projections. It’s also essential if you’ll ever need to attract investors or secure funding.

Whether you have a small business on the side or a business that’s forecasted to make millions, a business plan can be a valuable tool.

If you’re thinking about starting a business, or if you’re already in business and want to take it to the next level, you should consider whether or not a business plan can benefit you.

In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly how to create a business plan that will support your company’s growth.

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How I Made a Successful Career Switch Pinterest

How I Made a Successful Career Switch

My career switch began when I started my first business in 2017, but it wasn’t until 2019 that I shifted from a full-time laboratory manager role into a marketing communications role.

To be truthful, it was a tough transition to make, but then again, I’ve never heard of a career switch being perfectly smooth.

Despite the challenge, I knew that the career change was right for me.

In this article, I’ll tell you exactly how I made my career switch. I’ll also share 7 tips from my own learning experiences. These tips will help you make your own career switch, regardless of where you start in your career or where you’d like to end up.

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I Turned One of My Side Gigs Into a Full-Time Career Here’s How + 5 Tips for Success Pinterest

I Turned One of My Side Gigs Into a Full-Time Career: Here’s How + 5 Tips for Success

In 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic, I turned one of my side gigs into a full-time job. It wasn’t easy, but with hard work, some great support, and even a bit of luck, I managed to replace my income in short order.

I was one of the numerous people that found themselves without a job when COVID shut the world down.

It was tough, but I committed to finding a way forward. I was confident that I would find a way to replace my income.

In this article, I’m going to tell you how I turned one of my side gigs into a full-time job, and how I managed to replace my income when I suddenly found myself jobless in the middle of the pandemic.

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Fire Your Side Hustle With These 10 Tips Achieve Balance and Overcome Chronic Illness Challenge Pinterest

Fire Your Side Hustle With These 10 Tips: Achieve Balance and Overcome Chronic Illness Challenge

If you’ve already started a side hustle, or if you’re considering starting one, then you know how difficult it can be to balance your health with your pursuits (personal, professional, or otherwise).

You might even be trying to balance a career on top of it, which might be a challenging act, one you may find is often out of sync.

But what if you want to grow a side hustle to a full-time gig? Perhaps your small business brings passion to your life in a way that your day job can’t, in which case you may dream of doing more with it.

It can seem daunting to turn your side hustle into your full-time career, but it’s definitely possible. With careful planning and execution, you can grow your business while still managing your chronic illness.

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 tips you can use to grow your side hustle into a full-time business while balancing the demands of your chronic illness.

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How to Ramp Up One of Your Small Business Ideas as a Chronic Illness Warrior 10 Steps to Startup Success Pinterest

How to Ramp Up One of Your Small Business Ideas as a Chronic Illness Warrior: 10 Steps to Startup Success

Dream of turning one of your small business ideas into a profitable business?

If you have a chronic illness, it can be tough to make a living. You may not be able to work a so-called traditional job, or you may have to take time off work for doctor’s appointments or flare-ups. 

Even if you struggle to work, you can still start a business or side hustle and make some extra money. In fact, ramping up one of your small business ideas can be a great way to become your own boss and set your own hours.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with 10 key steps you can use to turn one of your small business ideas into a successful startup.

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V2 10 Simple Steps You Can Follow as a Chronic Illness Warrior to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle Pinterest (1)

10 Simple Steps You Can Follow as a Chronic Illness Warrior to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle

Ready to start your next side hustle as a chronic illness warrior? If so, you might be wondering how to get started.

There’s a lot to think about when you’re starting a new project for the first time. You might not initially be sure who your target audience (or customer) is, for instance, and you might not know what to invest your time in first.

Whether you decide you want to be a writer, painter, freelancer, or any other kind of side hustler, it will help to have a plan of attack.

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 simple steps you can take to get your new side hustle off the ground and running as a chronic illness warrior.

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