#140 Is Financial Freedom Possible When You Have a Disability

#140: Is Financial Freedom Possible When You Have a Disability? –

If you’ve ever struggled with a disability, whether it’s a physical limitation, chronic illness, or something else, then you’re living life in “hard” mode (as if life wasn’t already hard enough, right?).

Hard mode or not, you still have hopes and dreams and deserve the chance to achieve them.

Your hopes and dreams might even include achieving financial freedom, but it might feel impossible (like many things in life).

The pursuit of financial freedom is an aspiration for many, but when you have a disability, you’re faced with unique challenges. 

The additional costs associated with healthcare, assistive technology, and potential limitations on earning potential can make the journey to financial freedom more complex. 

So, is it possible to achieve financial freedom when you have a disability?

I’ll quickly skip to the ending by answering. Yes, financial freedom is achievable, regardless of disability. That said, it doesn’t come easy (disability or not).

If you’ve landed on this page, you might want to know how or why financial freedom is possible when you have a disability, especially when just living can seem hard enough.

If this describes you, then you’re in luck. In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know so that you can understand how and why it’s possible to achieve financial freedom, even with a disability.

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Do You Live With a Chronic Illness, but Dream Of Becoming Financially Free 10 Steps You Can Use to Build Your Fire Runway When You Have a Disability.

Do You Live With a Chronic Illness, but Dream Of Becoming Financially Free? 10 Steps You Can Use to Build Your FIRE Runway When You Have a Disability.

Would you like to become financially free, but worry that your chronic illness may be holding you back?

If so, I completely understand how you feel, as I had the exact same concerns.

Living with a chronic illness can be challenging, both physically and financially (and mentally, spiritually, and so on, but I digress). Between the constant medical bills and physical symptoms, it can feel impossible to get ahead at times.

And let’s face it, at times an achievement for the day might simply be getting out of bed. When you live with a chronic illness, you constantly battle the demands of your illness and your dreams for the future. It isn’t easy, but somehow you find a way.

If your dreams include becoming financially free, then you’re in the right place. Keep reading on for 10 steps you can use to build your financial future.

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