FIRE retirement is something that really only became important to me after my kids were born.
In the past, I was blindly ambitious. I dreamed of climbing high up the corporate ladder and achieving remarkable milestones throughout my career.
I could have easily continued on that path, had I decided it was right for me, but thanks to my children, I quickly determined it wasn’t.
That doesn’t mean I don’t respect those that have continued on that path. It’s a tough journey forward, and I applaud anyone for going after their dreams, regardless of what they are.
A FIRE retirement became important to me because I started dreaming of spending more time with my children. I don’t ever see myself giving up ambition, or my career entirely, but I’d like to have more flexibility to choose how I work, when, and how much.
Over the years, I’ve been able to become far more financially free than I ever was, though I’m still working to achieve a FIRE retirement. My partner and I have made remarkable progress on our journey, and we can live off of just one of our incomes today if we choose.
In this article, I’ll share the methods we used to become more financially free, and I’ll tell you what I’d like to achieve with a FIRE retirement.
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