#159 Is 401k Worth It Without an Employer Match How to Prepare for FIREd Retirement

#159: Is a 401k Worth It Without an Employer Match? How to Prepare for FIREd Retirement –

#159: Is a 401k Worth It Without an Employer Match? How to Prepare for FIREd Retirement

The “Is a 401k worth it” question often arises, especially when employers don’t offer matching contributions.

You have options, so why choose a 401k over anything else? You might also have other priorities beyond investing.

Sometimes investing feels like an endless Tetris pit. Money is going somewhere, but is it landing where it needs to?

After all, you want to ensure your hard-earned money works for you. The world of investing isn’t exactly warm and fuzzy. There’s lots of great data, but sometimes it’s too much.

I don’t pretend to have the secret to supercharge your investing game, but I know the value of understanding your options.

In this article, we’ll explore the “Is a 401k worth it” question, especially as it relates to employer matches. We’ll also discuss the various strategies you can use to prepare for early retirement via the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) method.

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#158 Spring Break Activities on a Budget Easy Fun at Home

#158: Spring Break Activities on a Budget: Easy Fun at Home –

Spring break activities can make for memorable moments, offering a chance to unwind and recharge. You might prefer to travel and adventure with your family, though home activities can be just as worthwhile.

With rapidly rising inflation in the last few years, travel costs have been increasingly painful. So perhaps you plan on enjoying your spring break from home.

My family rarely (if ever) travels over spring break, opting instead to travel during less busy times of the year. It’s cheaper to travel in the off-season, plus we’ve never been a huge fan of crowds.

We usually plan on enjoying spring break activities close to home. Though to be truthful, it can be just as challenging to plan home activities, especially when you’re a career parent.

How do you keep the kids busy while enjoying some fun together?

The good news? An unforgettable spring break doesn’t have to break the bank, nor does it have to be challenging to plan.

In this article, I’ll share a series of fun, creative, and budget-friendly spring break activities you can enjoy with the entire family at home.

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#157 Disabled Employment How to Balance WorkLife and Health Demands

#157: Disabled Employment: How to Balance Work/Life and Health Demands –

Disabled employment can be difficult to navigate, but for some, it is worthwhile, meaningful, and sometimes necessary.

With employment, you gain access to benefits including a salary, health insurance, vacation time, and more. A career can also provide you with purpose and life satisfaction.

Since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, disabled Americans have had better access to employment opportunities. If you live outside the US, there are similar laws in countries including Australia, Canada, and the UK.

Although there has been a lot of progress since before these laws were passed, much of the world is still figuring out how to navigate the complexities alongside disabled employment, and disabled living for that matter.

In this article, we’ll discuss the complexities of disabled employment, exploring the ways to successfully balance work/life, and challenging health demands.

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#155 Land Your Dream Job Interview Tips That Drive Your Value

#155: Land Your Dream Job: Interview Tips That Drive Your Value –

Landing your dream job requires more than just technical skills, experience, and preparation. 

It’s equally important to prepare your mindset. In so doing, you can approach your interview with confidence and positivity. 

In the Ultimate Interview Guide, I highlighted practical tips for pre-interview preparation, mastering the art of interviewing, communication, showcasing your value, turning the tables, and following up after the interview.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the psychological aspects of interviewing and explore how to cultivate a winning mindset.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know to build a mindset for interview success. I’ll also outline the specific ways you can apply this mindset to make a winning impression on your potential employer.

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#154 How to Make Investing Goals in an Uncertain Market

#154: How to Make Investing Goals in an Uncertain Market –

Despite the ongoing market volatility, setting clear investing goals is ever important. But how do you set goals when you have no idea when the market will swing?

After all, just one major change can make all the difference. The market can shift based on the results of that election year, because of a mass contagion or because an entire industry bottomed out, among many other factors.

It’s no easy task to set weather-resistant investing goals, but if you dream of achieving FIRE (financial independence, retire early) / financial freedom, or otherwise, investing will probably remain a priority for you.

In which case, it helps to set investing goals. These should be your “barometric pressure sensors” to determine how your investments are performing.

You’ll want to know whether your investments are on track or if you need to make a change, but without clearly defined goals, it’s hard to tell.

How do you ensure that your investing goals are set for success, regardless of which way the market turns? 

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know so that you can set solid investing goals, regardless of what happens in the market.

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#152 How to Land a Fun Job A Guide to Career Happiness V4

#152: How to Land a Fun Job: A Guide to Career Happiness –

Finding a fun job can be more than just a career move; it can be life-changing. 

Depending on your values, an ideal job might align with your passions, challenge you intellectually, and/or bring some kind of joy to your life. It can even be a pursuit that provides immense life satisfaction.

A so-called fun job can boost your morale, productivity, and overall well-being. It can help you feel productive and purposeful in life.

At a basic level, your job provides you with resources and tools (via compensation and training), enabling you to achieve your financial goals, FIRE (financial independence, retire early), financial freedom, or otherwise.

But it can be more than that if you invest the time in finding your version of a fun job. Trust me when I say it’s worth it.

If you’re tired of the daily grind, you might be longing for a job that brings you joy and fulfillment. A job like that might also feel like a bit of an impossible find.

Perhaps you’re asking yourself: “Is it actually possible to find a fun job for me?”

Don’t despair – it is possible to find a job and career that fulfills you, and I’m about to tell you how.

In this article, I’ll walk you through 10 simple steps you can take to find your ideal “fun job.” Let this serve as your guide on your journey to career happiness and fulfillment.

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#144 Unlocking Wealth the Best S&P 500 Index Funds

#144: Unlocking Wealth: the Best S&P 500 Index Funds –

Investing can feel intimidating, at least until you learn about S&P 500 index funds. Let me explain…

But first, let’s talk about why investing matters.

Investing is essential if you want to grow your wealth over time. It’s a great way to get your hard-earned money to work for you, and help you achieve financial freedom.

There are many forms of valuable investments, but one of the most popular strategies is investing in index funds. These funds track the performance of the S&P 500, a leading stock market index that includes 500 of the largest companies in the United States.

The stock market can be a daunting place, especially for those new to investing. With countless options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

By investing in an S&P 500 Index Fund, you’re essentially buying a piece of 500 of the largest companies in the United States. This diversification can help mitigate risk and provide long-term returns.

The good news? Investing in S&P 500 index funds is a comparatively easy, passive investing strategy.

In this article, you’ll learn about investing in S&P 500 index funds to achieve financial freedom.

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#143 The Ultimate Interview Guide How to Land Your Dream Job

#143: The Ultimate Interview Guide: How to Land Your Dream Job –

Looking for an interview guide to help you ace that interview and unlock your dream career? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

While the interview process can be nerve-wracking, the right preparation and a strategic approach can confidently showcase your skills and leave a lasting, positive impression on the hiring manager. 

Acing a job interview is a crucial step in landing your dream career. It can set you apart from candidates and even set the tone for your employment. 

If you’re ready to excel in your next interview and land the job of your dreams, keep reading on! This interview guide will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to navigate the interview process and secure your next role.

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#135 The Cover Letter Conundrum Do Employers Really Read Them

#135: The Cover Letter Conundrum: Do Employers Really Read Them? –

The long-dreaded cover letter: a relic of the past or a powerful tool in your job search arsenal? 

In an age dominated by applicant tracking systems (ATS) and online applications, many job seekers question the value of this traditional document.

It’s a fair question, especially when simply filling out an application can take so much time. I know I’m not alone in wondering why employers require you to fill out online fields with your job experience (isn’t that what a resume is for?).

Not only that, but now employers are requiring projects, tests, and endless rounds of interviews. It’s exhausting.

Do employers read cover letters? Can they set you apart from other applicants? Do they actually make a difference in the job applicant pool?

More importantly: do cover letters still matter? And are they worth your time and energy when you could otherwise focus on other aspects of the job application process?

In this article, I’ll share some reasons why it may or may not make sense for you to craft a cover letter (hint: it depends). I’ll also give you a few tips for writing a compelling cover letter if you find you need one.

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#129 Why Are Index Funds Such a Powerful Tool in Your Investing Portfolio

#129: Why Are Index Funds Such a Powerful Tool in Your Investing Portfolio? –

Index funds are often lauded as an all-powerful investing tool, but have you ever wondered why?

If you’re new to the investing game and just learning about index funds, don’t stress! It was once a completely foreign concept to me too.

But if you’ve been hearing about index funds for some time, perhaps you’re curious to understand a bit more about how they can be such a valuable tool for you. In either case, you’ve come to the right place!

Investing is a journey of building wealth for your future, but it’s important to remember that any investment inherently carries some level of risk. 

The key is to diversify your risk, and that’s where index funds can truly shine. They can be a powerful tool for both seasoned investors and those just starting.

Before diving into any kind of investing, I strongly encourage you to educate yourself and thoroughly evaluate your options. Read reliable financial resources and consider consulting an accredited financial advisor who can assess your specific circumstances and risk tolerance.

FIRE Your Career is all about empowering you to make informed financial decisions, and in this article, you’ll learn how index funds can be such a powerful investing tool.

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