5 Signs It’s Time to Make a Career Transition + 5 Easy Ways to Get Started

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Have you ever thought about making a career transition? The average person changes their career 5 to 7 times throughout their working life. So if you’ve thought about making a career change, you’re certainly not alone.

Are you feeling stuck or burned out in your current career? Are you no longer challenged or excited about your work? If so, it may be time to make a career transition.

It may feel overwhelming even thinking about making a career transition, but the reward is often worth the effort. If you’re thinking about making a change, here are five signs it’s time to start planning your next move:

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1. You’re not challenged or excited about your work.

If you’re no longer challenged or excited about your work, it may be time for a change. When you’re not challenged, you’re not likely to grow or learn, and your work may start to feel stagnant. And when you’re not excited about your work, it can be difficult to find the motivation to do your best.

We spend a lot of our time at work, so you may as well work in a field that you reasonably enjoy. It’s also not uncommon to lose passion for something over time, so it’s ok if you suddenly find yourself no longer enjoying work you once loved.

If you find yourself in this position, treat yourself with kindness and consider what kind of work would reenergize your career.

2. You’re not using your skills and talents.

If you’re not using your skills and talents in your current job, it’s a sign that you may be in the wrong career. When you’re not accessing your full potential, then you’re far more likely to feel unsatisfied with your work. 

It’s difficult to feel unsatisfied with work and be successful, even if your work is something you once enjoyed and excelled in.

You spend too much of your time at work to waste your talents, so don’t be afraid to pursue something that will help you reach your potential and make a larger impact.

By the way… If you’re not sure what your strengths are, you may want to check out this article: Strengths Finder: 10 Ways to Identify Your Career Strengths.

I also highly recommend reading the Strengths Finder book, which includes a free quiz when you buy the book new.

3. You’re not making enough money.

If you’re not making enough money to support your lifestyle, you may need to make a career change. This may especially be in the case if you live somewhere that has notoriously high living expenses, like San Francisco or New York City.

It’s important to find a job that pays you enough to cover your expenses and save for the future. If you spend too much of your time in survival mode, then you won’t be able to truly flourish and achieve financial freedom.

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4. You’re not happy with your work-life balance.

Some careers are brutal, requiring long hours and exhaustive work. If you find that your career is no longer providing you happiness in your work-life balance, then it may be time to consider other opportunities.

Now if you’re a workaholic (like I was) then this may not be an issue for you, but if you have a family that needs you at home, or even if you’re someone that needs more downtime, then you may need to get into a role that will better support your lifestyle.

It’s important to find a job that allows you to have enough time for your personal life, interests, family, and anything else that matters to you.

5. You’re not passionate about your work.

If it’s important for you to feel passionate about your career, and you’re finding that you don’t (or no longer do), then it may be time for a career change.

When you’re passionate about your work, you’re more likely to be happy and successful, and in turn make a bigger impact.

If you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs then it may be time to start thinking about making a career transition. Your career should bring you some degree of satisfaction and joy, but if you find that you’re simply not feeling that, then you deserve better! 

If you find yourself considering a career transition, there are many resources available to help, including career counselors, online job boards, and networking groups. 

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Making a career change can be scary, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. If you’re ready for a change, here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Do your research.

Before you make any decisions, it’s important to do your research and determine which opportunities could be a good fit for you. Spend time learning about different careers, industries, and companies. You can do this by talking to people in your network, reading books and articles, and taking online courses.

2. Network.

Networking is a great way to learn about different career opportunities and to make connections with people who can help you in your job search. Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and reach out to friends and family who may be able to help you.

3. Get your resume and cover letter in order for your career transition.

Your resume and cover letter are your first impression to potential employers. Make sure your documents are well-written and error-free. You can also get feedback from friends, family, or a career counselor.

4. Practice your interviewing skills.

Interviewing can be nerve-wracking, but it’s important to practice so that you can make a good impression. You can practice with friends, family, or a career counselor.

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5. Don’t give up on making a career transition.

It’s difficult searching for jobs, and finding a new role outside your existing realm of expertise can be even more challenging. While it can be emotionally draining, it’s important to stay positive and persistent. 

Don’t give up on your dream job, it will turn up! Keep applying for jobs, networking, and practicing your interviewing skills. Eventually, you will find the right opportunity for you.

With a little planning and effort, you can find a career that you’re passionate about and that allows you to reach your full potential.

Think making a career transition will FIRE Your Career and perhaps accelerate progress towards your goals? Check out the posts page for more ways you can FIRE Your Career and achieve financial freedom.

FIRE Your Career: Achieve Financial Freedom Through Your Career & Spend MORE Time Doing What You Love.

Products I recommend in this article:

Strengths Finder (book to uncover your innate strengths & talents)