10 Tips for the Chronic Illness Warrior: How to Achieve Financial Freedom with FIRE
Financial freedom may seem like a lofty goal, especially for a chronic illness warrior (i.e. someone that lives with a chronic illness). However, gaining financial freedom via the FIRE method holds immense and rising appeal.
After all, why wouldn’t you want to spend more time doing the things that bring you joy? You could spend more of your time enjoying the company of your loved ones, choose to work (or not) and live a more stress-free life.
It can be a financial challenge to live with a chronic illness. Between the cost of medical care, medications, and related fees, the expenses can rise rapidly. This can make it difficult to save for retirement or achieve other financial goals.
While it can be a challenge, there are ways to prepare for financial freedom, chronic illness or not. The FIRE method (Financial Independence, Retire Early) can provide structure and a plan to help you achieve your most ambitious financial goals, even if your income is limited.
In this article, I’ll provide a brief introduction to how you can start following the FIRE method, and I’ll give you 10 key tips you can use on your journey to financial success as a chronic illness warrior.