My Journey to a FIRE Lifestyle Pinterest

My Journey to a FIRE Lifestyle

It wasn’t until I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad that I started to believe in the possibility of a FIRE lifestyle (financial independence, retire early).

It was as if a whole new world of possibility had suddenly opened itself up, though I was certainly skeptical of it, at least initially.

Like many others, I’d always believed that a fulfilling life meant a regular 9-5 job, a house with a white picket fence, and a herd of children. It didn’t occur to me before then that there were other ways to live. I’d always believed you had to work hard to earn a reasonable income.

It wouldn’t be until years later that I would begin pursuing a FIRE lifestyle. I wouldn’t even hear “FIRE” spoken as a financial freedom phrase until nearly a decade after I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

In this article, I’ll tell you how I began my journey to a FIRE lifestyle, some key lessons I learned along the way, and where the rest of my journey is headed.

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How We Annihilated $85K of Student Debt in 18 Months Pinterest

How We Annihilated $85K of Student Debt in 18 Months

As I sat down in our tax accountant’s office, I looked down at the piece of paper I was holding in my hands. It was an important document that reflected what I’d paid in interest toward my student debt that year. 

I couldn’t believe the figure in front of my face, yet it was right there. 

In just one year, I’d paid roughly $3,000 of interest into my student loans. And that was only the interest for one year. It didn’t account for the amount I’d paid into the principal balances, or what my husband had paid into his student loans either. 

That $3,000 was all I was allowed to write off on our taxes.

I had just paid what accounted for a nice cruise vacation into my student debt interest, and it didn’t even help lower the balance. I would have rathered spent the money on that vacation instead, but here I was, holding the piece of paper that proved I’d done otherwise. 

That money was gone, wasted.

I shook my head before I handed the document over to the accountant.

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Investing 101 for the Chronically Ambitious a FIRE Quest for Success Pinterest

Investing 101 for the Chronically Ambitious: a FIRE Quest for Success

Investing 101 Introduction: A Pathway to Financial Freedom

It’s tough to balance a chronic illness with life demands, but somehow life finds a way.

(I know, I know. That was a terrible place for a classic Jurassic Park quote, but somehow it’s still fitting.)

In reality, you’re a warrior: a chronic illness warrior. Somehow, you do it all, and you and I know that life is tough even WITHOUT having to balance a chronic illness.

I get it, the last thing on your mind is probably your investing strategy. You have 1,000 doctor’s appointments, and you can’t quite remember when you last took your meds…

Speaking of which, I forgot to take mine. Hang on…

Where were we? Ah, yeah…

Your chronic illness takes a beating on you, and sometimes it’s incessant and unending. Sometimes your dreams feel impossible, especially when simply getting out of bed feels like you completed a marathon.

Yes, there are days when it’s a struggle, and there will be days when you feel like giving up. It’s totally understandable, and you absolutely deserve grace. 

You also deserve success, and success doesn’t get handed to any of us. You have to fight for it.

What does this have to do with investing 101, you might wonder? Keep reading on and you’ll find out.

In this investing 101 article, I’m going to provide you with 5 tips you can use to build a successful investing strategy, even as you balance the demands of your chronic illness.

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Build Wealth in 5 Steps Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior Pinterest

Build Wealth in 5 Steps: Investment Strategies for the Chronic Illness Warrior

It can be a challenge to build wealth, but it can be especially difficult if you have a chronic illness. 

As a chronic illness warrior, it may be harder to work, earn money, and save for the future. Between the medical bills and chronic fatigue, among various other life challenges, it might feel impossible to get ahead.

If life was a video game, it would be like constantly playing on hard mode. The game might be harder, but it’s not impossible to beat.

With careful planning and execution, you can still build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

In this article, you’ll get 5 simple steps you can take to start a successful wealth-building journey. I’ll also share key investment strategies you can use to build a solid investment portfolio.

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Do You Live With a Chronic Illness, but Dream Of Becoming Financially Free 10 Steps You Can Use to Build Your Fire Runway When You Have a Disability.

Do You Live With a Chronic Illness, but Dream Of Becoming Financially Free? 10 Steps You Can Use to Build Your FIRE Runway When You Have a Disability.

Would you like to become financially free, but worry that your chronic illness may be holding you back?

If so, I completely understand how you feel, as I had the exact same concerns.

Living with a chronic illness can be challenging, both physically and financially (and mentally, spiritually, and so on, but I digress). Between the constant medical bills and physical symptoms, it can feel impossible to get ahead at times.

And let’s face it, at times an achievement for the day might simply be getting out of bed. When you live with a chronic illness, you constantly battle the demands of your illness and your dreams for the future. It isn’t easy, but somehow you find a way.

If your dreams include becoming financially free, then you’re in the right place. Keep reading on for 10 steps you can use to build your financial future.

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How a Career-Driven Mom-To-Be Can Financially Prepare for a Baby Pinterest

How a Career-Driven Mom-To-Be Can Financially Prepare for a Baby

If you’re a mom-to-be, let me first wish you congratulations!

Motherhood has its ups and downs, but few things (in my opinion) are more rewarding than welcoming a new life into your world. 

It’s a major life event to welcome a new baby, and it’s important to be financially prepared for the inevitable life changes.

This is especially true for career-driven moms, who may need to take time off work or change work arrangements to care for a new child.

In this article, I’m going to give you 14 tips to help you financially prepare for a baby.

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A Mom's Take on Building a Successful Investment Strategy 5 Key Tips for Success Pinterest

A Mom’s Take on Building a Successful Investment Strategy: 5 Key Tips for Success

As a busy mom myself, I know that there are a lot of things to worry about, and the last thing on your mind is probably building a successful investment strategy. 

Undoubtedly, your kids come first (and rightly so), but it is still important to consider the health of your finances and the goals you have for your financial future.

Perhaps your goals include achieving a FIRE lifestyle, as in financial independence, retire early. Or maybe you want to simply save for your children’s education.

In any case, you’ll want to build an investment strategy to support your financial goals, and in this article, I’m going to give you 5 simple tips that you can immediately use to support a healthy financial future for yourself and your family.

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5 Tips for Moms with Young Children How to Achieve Financial Freedom with FIRE Pinterest

5 Tips for Moms with Young Children: How to Achieve Financial Freedom with FIRE

Financial freedom via the FIRE movement has been gaining popularity in recent years. The idea is to save as much money as possible and invest it wisely so that you can retire early and live off of your investments. 

While achieving FIRE may seem like a daunting task for anyone, it can be especially challenging for moms with young children.

There are a few reasons why it might seem harder for moms to achieve financial freedom with FIRE. 

First, childcare can be expensive. 

Second, moms often have to take time off work to care for their children, which can lead to a loss of income. 

Third, moms may have other financial obligations, such as student loans or a mortgage, which may be more challenging to pay off when you’re focused on raising a family.

In this article, I’m going to give you 5 simple tips you can use today to help you achieve FIRE, plus a few other key tips that can help you in the long term on your journey.

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How to Achieve Financial Independence 7 Steps to Get Started. #5 Got Me Fired Up!

How to Achieve Financial Independence: 7 Steps to Get Started. #5 Got Me Fired Up!

Have you ever considered what it would take for you to achieve financial independence?

Perhaps you dream of spending more time with family and friends, being able to take a break from your career, retiring early, or even just investing more of your time in your passion projects.

Financial independence or financial freedom means you can live comfortably without having to work. While it’s a goal that many people strive for, it can be difficult to achieve.

Whatever your reasons for working to achieve financial independence, it can have immense benefits for your life.

In this article, I’ll provide a brief overview of the benefits of financial freedom and I’ll give you 7 steps to help you on your journey to achieve financial independence.

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4 Simple Steps for Getting Started with Investing in the Stock Market Pinterest

4 Simple Steps for Getting Started: Investing in the Stock Market: Part 2

Are you interested in investing in the stock market and wondering how to get started?

It might feel overwhelming when you first get going, but if you start simply and take things one step at a time, it doesn’t have to be overly difficult to start investing in the stock market.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with 4 easy-to-follow steps to help you get started with investing in the stock market today. If you’re ready then let’s get started!

Psst… If you’re not sure whether or not investing in the stock market is right for you, I encourage you to read part 1 of this 2-part post series.

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